Archive for the ‘Formula 1’ Category

The Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix was at its 4th year of its 5-year contract when I was finally able to snag a ticket. As cheapskate as I can be, I spent a few bucks for a 1 day walk-about, which, in return gave me an opportunity to witness the event at the worst view anyone could  ever imagine. I was carrying an ID that hinders me from enjoying at an elevated platform without the fences glued in front like Britney Spears’ bodyguards. (more…)

Do you remember that 1984 film called “The Karate Kid”? I’m sure you do ’cause the guys at Hollywood just made a remake with the same title, same plot, but different people last year. If you do remember the film, I’m sure you can recall the scene where Mr. Miyagi, played by the late Pat Morita, caught flies using chopsticks. Classic ‘ey? Now what does this fly-catching scene got to do with this blog? Read on…
